Following the fantastic Barcelona global conference, we are delighted to welcome our 100th Member to the BOKS International family.
It’s a fantastic milestone to reach and speaks to the quality of the membership and the reputation the alliance has developed over the recent years.
In fact, this growth is only possible when we consider the strength of the relationships that are obvious to see in our face to face meetings, special interest groups, and in the feedback when helping each other with assisting clients.
Picking up on one of the themes from Barcelona, working together to create something that is much more than what one person by themselves can achieve seems to sum things up perfectly. And who could forget what the Catalan Castellers can achieve (with the added help of BOKS members)?
Although the number itself means little, it is a symbol of how we want to achieve good things and celebrate brilliant outcomes and not be a passive or reactive organisation.
Here is a link to our recent press release announcing M.R.M.E & Co., and we look forward to introducing more new high-quality legal and accounting practices who are keen to contribute and become an integral part of our community of professionals.
In the meantime, we hope you can take a moment to celebrate and reflect on what we have all achieved together.
Richard Sergeant
Alliance Director