Based in Melbourne, Australia, Banks Group offers a highly valued accounting and advisory service encompassing tax strategies, audit, forecasting, financial planning and funds management.
Marketing Manager, Ildi Amon, answers our Spotlight questions.
In your opinion, what is the future of your profession?
Full-service accounting firms that can take care of a client’s financial needs and questions holistically are the way of the future. We find that both our individual and our business clients can usually benefit from the advice of a broad range of experts over the course of the relationship, all supplied in-house. Accessing the right kind of expertise for the different situations a client might face – from a team they already trust – can be hugely reassuring for them.
We also pride ourselves on our people being able to spot potential problems and then ensuring our clients get the right advice from the right person on our team.
What is your growth strategy?
We have divisional growth plans generally based on organic expansion and referrals, and we ensure we have the right personnel to execute them. This strategy is supported by a tailored marketing and development plan, and we are always reviewing matters such as our work environment and flexible arrangements to adapt to modern conditions.
Where do you see your firm 5 years from now?
Banks Group has been growing strongly, and we would like to enhance our reach and reputation further in the next few years. We already offer some services that very few firms handle, such as corporate finance, private equity, specialist tax law advisory and tailored audit/assurance work, and we are looking to broaden our range of services across a wider geographical reach.
What is your biggest challenge?
Like most firms, we are adapting to a ‘new normal’, including staff recruitment and retention issues, but this allows us to listen to our people and work on changes in employment arrangements and service delivery across new platforms.
What percentage of your work is international?
We currently advise a number of international clients, though the bulk of our work is in Australia. One of our specialities is music and entertainment, and we help with the accounting side of touring as well as international tax matters. We handle several subsidiary audits for larger global entities from an assurance perspective.
What business advisory services do you offer?
We specialise in:
- Business services
- Audit and assurance
- Wealth management
- Tax law advisory
- Accounting services
- Management consulting
- Private equity
- Corporate finance
Our strength is that we can offer our clients access to experts from all of these areas – depending on their actual needs and best interests.
What was your main driver for being part of BOKS International?
We hope BOKS will help us connect with a wide network of people who may be interested in our professional services. People choose a financial services provider they trust, which is why we believe in the power of being referred by someone. We hope BOKS can act as a kind of digital referral platform because people can feel confident and reassured that our services are vetted by the team at BOKS beforehand.
Where do you see BOKS International 5 years from now?
We hope BOKS will be a robust network of providers globally who can connect the right people and companies to solve problems and advance businesses. We also hope that BOKS will keep the network informed about the latest news of members.
How would you describe your typical client?
Our typical client is looking for a highly experienced professional who can help them with specific financial or business needs. Our business clients come from many varied industries but are typically SMEs – we can help them with a broad range of services, from audit and management consulting to ensuring they meet their tax obligations. Our individual clients range from people wanting to manage their finances and investments better to those requiring advice on tax return completion, getting the best insurance coverage, business development and so forth.
All individuals and businesses have a money aspect, and that’s where we can help.
How do you target clients who are looking for international services?
To date, we have been focussed on clients predominantly in Australia. We are now testing the waters with reaching international clients via BOKS. For example, we can help international clients wanting to operate in Australia or even clients wanting to temporarily do business in Australia – as an example, we help many international artists meet their financial obligations when they tour in Australia. We can also help Australian clients who want to operate abroad or have international tax questions.