Firstbridge Services is a full-service accountancy practice based in Marsa, Malta
Adrian Sciberras answers our questions.
In your opinion, what is the future of your profession?
In the future, the accountancy profession will reduce the gap between various stakeholders via education and technology. This will empower individuals who venture into the corporate services world to reach their potential whilst serving respective stakeholders.
What is your growth strategy?
Firstbridge is people-centric with a robust application of new technologies, putting us as front runners in serving the needs of start-ups and businesses undergoing restructuring.
Where do you see your firm 5 years from now?
Firstbridge will have successfully enabled/empowered several start-ups to operate internationally successfully. A structure will be in place to attract foreign start-ups with a pre-approved operation to venture on a tried-and-tested platform with a higher likelihood of success.
What is your biggest challenge?
Ensuring clients understand the importance of compliance responsibilities and the need to keep clients up-to-date with any changes whilst helping them to thrive with regards to their primary business objectives.
What percentage of your work is international?
What business advisory services do you offer?
-Carry out feasibility studies to equip you with the right information when contemplating a new business move.
-Prepare Financial Business Plans to support lending, and private investment and attain Public / EU funds and incentives.
-Perform due diligence exercises to ensure peace of mind before embarking on business investment.
-Offer transactional and valuation advisory services.
-Support you in mergers and acquisition activity to ensure you grow in the most efficient manner possible, and
-Offer other services, including Accountancy, Payroll & HR services, and assistance in Business Tax or Indirect Tax.
What was your main driver for being part of BOKS International?
BOKS opens the doors to local entities, being the natural reference platform for clients expanding operations abroad and seeking service partners into international markets.
Where do you see BOKS International 5 years from now?
BOKS will have tried and tested platforms for hosting and serving SIGs, and events to foster the relationships within the alliance. BOKS will see the benefits of focusing on technology innovation and leadership development.
How would you describe your typical client?
Our service offering ensures the client’s back-office is set up for success. From day-to-day compliance & maintenance to timely advisory & funding opportunities, start-ups and companies undergoing restructuring find resources to guide them towards the best route.
Do you specialise in a particular sector or service?
Servicing of Start-ups and Corporate transactions.