BOKS International is glad to welcome Tambunan, Nasafi dan Basri Certified Public Accountants (TNBR) into the alliance. TNBR is a well-established full-service accountancy firm based in Indonesia.
TNBR was established a year ago in Jakarta. The firm’s experience extends across numerous sectors. TNBR’s Partners are CPA., CA. registered, specialising on IFRS reporting with CertIFR certification from ACCA UK, hold MBA degrees and are registered at OJK Pasar Modal (Capital Market) and OJK IKNB (Non-Bank Financial Institution).
Managing Partner at TNBR, Rizalianmi Tambunan, says; “We have a desire to extend our experience and expertise in the accounting, audit, tax and advisory services fields onto the global stage. By joining BOKS International we believe we have paired with an alliance who will enable us to successfully achieve this goal.
As a rapidly growing alliance, TNBR believes that BOKS International will strengthen our mission. We look forward to working with the other members of the alliance, and becoming an active member.”
Alliance Director, Richard Sergeant, at BOKS International says: “TNBR is a fine addition to the alliance, adding further quality representation in the South Asian region. TNBR is a progressive and ambitious firm with a desire to establish themselves on the international stage. They will provide a wealth of professional services to our members with requirements in Indonesia.”