Member Profile
There is a significant difference between Gilligan Sheppard and traditional accountancy practices. If that seems like an extravagant statement to you, good. We planned it that way.
Conventional accounting practices struggle to solve the complex problems faced by the kind of people we work with. The curious, unorthodox, out-of-the-box thinkers always open to alternative solutions.
Traditional accountants may not mesh with people like you. We see beyond the numbers and data. We get people and ideas.
You need a partner whose creative drive matches yours.
At Gilligan Sheppard, we are proud to be different. We do not want to be like anyone else. We do not want to look like anyone else. And we certainly do not act like anyone else.
We go beyond relentless form-filling and compliance, finding creative ways to solve your problems and help grow your business. We encourage a spirit of collaboration and innovation to produce workable solutions.
We want to know your story, understand your business vision and how we can help you achieve it. We will not be a passive accounting partner; instead, we will challenge you, fight for you and alongside you, and do whatever it takes to achieve better than expected outcomes.
No one understands your business better than you, and for you, it is not just about making money. It is about expressing yourself, building great things and being proud of your innovations and successes. We love that. We believe in exploring diverse ways of doing things, and love working with people who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo.
People like you.
More creative. More collaborative. Less corporate. If that is what you are looking for, then we’d like to work with you, too.
Our vision: To be recognised as New Zealand’s best enriching environment for talent, wealth, and business. Our purpose: We enrich our lives through enriching yours. Our values:
The freedom to be real The courage to imagine The determination to excel together Growing each other
We want a world that is striving to improve and is continuously thinking about how to make each day and each life better. We want a world where collaboration trumps competition, and where people participate honestly and openly by not being fake, and that relationships trump digits (money) and a world where the good of something greater than self, trumps self-interest. And all of this is supported by an environment where trust trumps fear.
We offer a comprehensive range of professional services in a convenient one-stop shop. With specialist experts around the world, you can be confident that you will receive the highest standard of advice.
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Spotlight Q&A
Gilligan Sheppard answered questions about the firm, some of the key issues affecting their sector, and the future of their industry & firm. See their answers below.